Arturo | New York Needs You

Former CLIP student Arturo Urena is now a NYNY fellow. Click the link to learn if you could become eligible for this fantastic opportunity.

Arturo | New York Needs You.

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College: Bronx Community College

parent teacher conference

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Noble Savage: This term expresses the concept of human nature that has not been tainted by the influence of the society in which it lives.


Noble Savage: Children who require adult guidance to bring their natural instincts in line with the social environment. (

Example: Every child should be considered as a “noble savage” since when they come into the world they’re innocent and don’t have any kind of knowledge.

New vocabulary word

Heinrich Pestalozzi

Gymnasium is type of school providing advanced secondary education in some parts of Europe. Gymnasium is middle school when in that school students get general education in all the subjects.Gymnasium start in ninth grade to twelfth grade. And also gymnasium isn’t school that it has to do only with gym but has to do with all the subject

Strange Stereotypes

Today my Dominican students told me a little joke that I was surprised to hear:

There are two buckets of crabs. One bucket has Chinese crabs and one bucket has crabs from the Dominican Republic. The bucket of Chinese crabs has a cover on it. The bucket of Dominican crabs doesn’t. Why?

The Chinese crabs will help each other escape from the bucket so the bucket needs a cover. The Dominican crabs will pull each other down so the cover isn’t necessary.

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