Arturo | New York Needs You

Former CLIP student Arturo Urena is now a NYNY fellow. Click the link to learn if you could become eligible for this fantastic opportunity.

Arturo | New York Needs You.

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College: Bronx Community College

parent teacher conference

Jean Kwok on Writing


This is what writing a novel is like for me. I’m banging on this great closed door, again and again, getting no answer for months and months. Meanwhile, I write drivel and do research and moan and groan. Finally the writing gods say, “You know, that one’s been flailing around for a long time. Let’s allow her in.” The doors open and I have to write day and night for weeks to catch up with the novel. I wish I could be one of those writers who just did a few pages a day and then polished at the end.

-Jean Kwok

(From a post on Jean’s Facebook page.)

Learning Our Way To Creativity « Annie Murphy Paul

This is great stuff. I was just talking to the class about how much easier it is to remember things when you have the background knowledge. This really extrapolates on that and explains how background knowledge is also linked to creativity. It seems that the more I learn about memory and learning, the more I find creativity right there with it.

This also is a great defense of the liberal educators’ curriculum and schools spending time and money on arts, music, elective classes and outside of the classroom activities.

Plus, I’m sure some students will find the business angle interesting.

Learning Our Way To Creativity « Annie Murphy Paul.

Education Terms as Vocabulary

Here are the student submitted vocabulary terms this week.  I think they are fantastic and these students show some successful research in finding out and defining these terms! The rest of the words will be added next time. If there are words you have questions about, you can post a question right here and someone from the appropriate group will answer you.  The rest of the words will be on next week’s vocabulary list. One thing I would like each group to post, in the comments section  is the source of your definition. The Montessori group has done this already, but the others should add a source.


From Angie’s Blog about Jean Piaget

1. Classification : when a person is able to make a group of objects with common characteristics.

Ex. The homework is to classify objects by colors.

2. Ego centrism : is a person who think that the world orbits around him/her.

Ex. Rebecca is an egocentric person and she thinks that the world orbits around her.

3. Stage : a phase a child’s development in which is able to understanding some things but not others.

Ex. Kids learn how to walk in the childhood stage.


From Chris’ Blog about Herbert Spencer


4. Social Darwinism

Social Darwinism is a belief, popular in the late Victorian era in England, America, and elsewhere, which states that the strongest or fittest should survive and flourish in society, while the weak and unfit should be allowed to die.  Social Darwinism


From Christians bog about Paulo Freire

Two terms that we need to be familiar with to understand Paulo Freire are:

5. Critical pedagogy: As an educational movement, guided by passion and principle, to help students develop consciousness of freedom, recognize authoritarian tendencies, and connect knowledge to power and the ability to take constructive action.

6. Pedagogy of the Oppressed: This word was written by Paulo Freire. It was like the way that a professor teach students who are oppressed. Oppressed means that are people who are worried and unhappy. The first book was public in Portuguese and then was translate to English.

From Eduard’s Blog about heinrich pestalozzi

7. perception: means fully formed concepts in a child, (the child forms a concept as a result of sense-impression which is understanding achieved through using the senses on real objects.

From Jamlec’s Blog : Term Used by Maria Montessori
8. Absorbent mind: a mind able to absorb knowledge quickly and effortlessly. Ex Montessori said the children from birth to six years has an “absorbent mind”
9. Prepared enviroment: the Montessori classroom is an enviroment prepared by the adult for children. It contains all essentials for optimal development but nothing superflous. These include order and reality, beauty and simplicity. everything is child-sized to enhance the children’s independent functioning. A trained adult a large enough group of children of mixed ages make up a vital part of the prepared enviroment.
10. Montessori method: this refers to the Montessori philosophy and specific approach to teaching, learning and use of material. Beside the others, Montessori methods, Montessori method of education is designed to take full advantage of the children’s desire to learn and their unique ability to develop their own capabilities.
From Jasleen’s Blog about Jane Addams

11. Socialized Education

This is an educational philosophy that proposes and special emphasis on building connection between students and the society as well as taught academic skills and subjects, for instance what the professor does with us, teaching us the essential abilities required in the American college.


12. Progressivism

A revolutionary movement that believes in the individuality and the change are essential in the education rejecting the conservative methods of education such as the use of drilling rote . This movement influenced Jane Addams ideas of including social aspect in the method of education.